
Email Jeff


Managing Partner, Co-Founder, Financial Life Planner


Since 1991, Jeff has had a passion for simplifying financial thinking and decision-making for Triune clients and trying to simply take really good care of people. “It’s not as complicated as the world would lead you to believe,” Jeff says. “Being intentional and working with an advisor helps couples make better decisions. In fact, my wife and I work with an advisor, too!”

This passion extends to Jeff’s role as the managing partner of Triune Financial Partners.  “My predecessor, Jim, left great big shoes to fill but the idea of establishing a sound next generation for this firm means clients get seamless care for multiple generations. What a blessing to get to pursue that!”

Jeff still loves working with private clients and collaborating with couples who want to be on the same page. “Complex financial pictures can complicate their relationship without help,” he says. His ideal clients are energetic, genuine, and have a desire to grow. Bonus points if they also line up as entrepreneurs!

The lesson about money that changed his life? “The more you give, the more you end up with.”

Jeff is married to Laura, and they have two boys and two dogs. Outside of work, Jeff enjoys spending time with family, playing golf (especially with the boys), and staying involved with the Catholic Education Foundation where Jeff serves as the Chairman of its Board.  For Jeff, a perfect night is a nice glass of wine on the back patio with family and friends.